
Hassle-free digital loyalty for everyone

Loyalty cards for mobile wallets, always on your customers phone. Design, publish, reward — no apps, no marketplace.

Location notification, focused pass, alongside other cards

Your problems, today

You're handing out loyalty cards; they get lost, put through the wash, or end up sitting at the bottom of a backpack. They're expensive to print, and don't provide the top-of-mind awareness you wanted them to.

Then your reward scheme changes, and you've got to print entirely new cards. Painful.

Your customer's problems, today

Wrangling with a card for each store isn't fun, and then there's the sourness that comes from forgetting a card in another coat pocket. When it's inevitably put through the wash, the rewards get destroyed too.

How does it work?

It's like paper — but digital. Create your pass with our interactive designer, distribute your pass in store, over social media, or email. There are no apps for you or your customers; passes are saved to Apple Wallet and Google Wallet.

What's the deal?

  1. Wholly yours. Your patrons, your design. We don't want to be seen. At all.
  2. Mobile integration. We integrate directly with Apple Wallet and Google Wallet. No apps required.
  3. Your reward scheme. Your business, your rules. We don't force any particular scheme on you or your patrons.
  4. Multi-channel distribution. In store, QR codes, social media, emails, WhatsApp. Meet your customers where they are.
  5. Leveling the field. Here to serve the underserved. Deep pockets not required.


Start now

10p per active patron, monthly

  1. Unlimited passes
  2. Your branding
  3. Wallet integration
  4. No contracts
  5. Live updates

Location prompts

iOS only

No need to rummage through pockets at the tills — cards appear when patrons are close.

More than one store? Notifications let patrons know that you've got a store nearby.

Loyalty in the world

Starbucks, the poster child for loyalty schemes, see 57% of their US revenue come from members. 1

Discounts not required. Margume Udon saw 6–10% redemption rates with their members-only exclusive-access reward campaign. 2

Online storefront powerhouse Shopify cite that "66% of customers say the ability to earn rewards actually changes their spending behavior"3

Coming soon Vouchers



Expect product updates, and questions on how we can serve you better.


Design your pass